I had been looking forward to going to this fashion show fundraiser for the local kindergarten for months. Then Wednesday night Seth woke up dry reach vomiting. Of course I had a scrapbook class booked for Thursday but we made it through the morning without any vomiting or temperatures thinking everything was going to be ok then about 3pm Seth started to vomit everywhere and just wouldn't stop. I was starting to stress not only because he was sick but also that I was going to miss out on my night with my friend the tickets were prepaid and I didn't want to waste them and was so excited about treating Em to our night out. Plus I never get to dress up and go out very often (high heels and make-up). When Michael got home from work I was able to leave Seth and go to pick up Tristan from daycare. Seth seemed to be ok and Michael hadn't complained at all about being left at home with a sick kid. So knowing that I was only going to be just down the road I got ready, Em picked me up and off we went with only one false start - I forgot the tickets.
THE FASHION PARADEWe got a glass of complimentary wine on arrival then snagged front row seats, watched the band "Rock Kitten" - Who were excellent! - then another glass of wine to start the fashion parade with a few nibbles, intermission, another glass of wine for the second half of fashion parade which was also excellent, all of the clothes were so nice I think I need to do some major gym work before I can wear half of them though. After the fashion parade we just enjoyed sitting and talking to everyone and anyone didn't realise how quick the night went before we knew it, it was midnight and they were kicking us out.
SICK KIDS Got home about 12.30 just in time for Seth to throw up everywhere..... again! Michael had him in the bath standing there with all of his clothes still on, while he got all of the sheets and pillows into the washing machine. Everyone got clean and went to bed about 1.30am. Me and Seth and Em all slept on the mattresses on the lounge room floor. Tristan slept through the whole thing so of course he woke up nice and early the next morning about 6.30am. After several cups of tea and heaps of food I still felt like crap (don't know how I got a hang over from only 3 glasses of wine). So happy that Michael finished work early so Me and Seth could have a sleep. Couldn't believe it when we woke up at 4pm we managed to get 3 hours sleep. Feeling heaps better got up cooked an early dinner everyone seemed happy...... Tristan started throwing up and Seth started with diarrhea. Another great night of sleeplessness from one end of the house to the other not wanting each of them to upset the other.
It is now Saturday night and everyone seems fine I had a big day of cleaning the boys room from top to bottom, walls, sheets and blankets etc. any surface that could be cleaned got cleaned. So fingers crossed we have a good night.
I think you also had better lay down and have a rest too if you just finished reading all of that you must now be tired. Night Night
Love Always
Tanya xxxooo