My baby sister turned 26 today yehh!!!!! She is currently 20 weeks pregs with her and her hubbys' first bub, and they are so clucky, it cracks me up. Before they decided to have a baby her hubby was adamant he was never going to have children (but we all knew it was a big facade) I must admit though I was very surprised (I cried with excitement) when they told everyone. I honestly thought it would have taken them a few more years to make up their minds. She managed to keep the whole trying thing a secret from me. We are very close and talk just about every day. She did tell me that it was very hard for her and she nearly slipped so many times. Very well done! I dont think I could have kept a secret like that from her.
So this morning I went and picked her and our Dad up (Mum does night shift and sleeps during the morning) and we all went shopping which was the usual can't find what I want and the kids being extremely annoying with the I wants. But the highlight of the trip was the first garage sale that we stopped at on the way, I scoreded a SLR manual 35mm camera with 3 seperate lenses included for $60. Couldn't believe my luck!!! All morning I was thinking there has to be a catch but when I got home put new batteries in everything (camera and flash) it seemed to work fine. Can't say that my fabulous photography will be anything to boast about but I wont know till I put the film in to get developed. That sounds so weird........Film.......No instant photos, it is going to drive me bananas waiting to fill up the film before I can get it developed. Lucky I have so many birthdays in the next couple of weeks. I think I will still double up with my digital camera, I would hate to get the film back and have all of the photos being out of focus etc. Even though I did Film and T.V. at school that was 13 years ago I can't be expected to remember that now can I.
Hubby decided that he couldn't wait until next Sunday for Fathers Day so he went and bought his present today. Wait for it...........he came home with a AFX racing car kit. I must admit he did do a good job with the boys this afternoon teaching them how to race. Tristan (4 & half) picked it up really quickly but Seth (2 & half) stuggled a bit with quite a few flying racing car accidents due to him not understanding that it can't go that fast around corners. A few tears (from both Seth and Hubby, hahaha) and a couple of talks later and everyone was happy. I got the...AND YOU THOUGHT THEY WOULD BE TOO YOUNG TO PLAY THIS... told you so talk at the end of the day.
Sorry I was wrong and you were right..........for now anyway.
Michael also found a garage sale today opposite the job site he worked on and bought the boys some bits and pieces to play with. (he would never go to a garage sale with me! LOL) So my day was filled with toys for young and older. Michael finally had a half day off work, first one in 3 weeks and it was great for me and the boys to finally get to spend some time with him.
The kids have gone to bed all hyped up and totally not ready for sleep but very tired, Michael fell asleep at about 9pm (which is a really late night for him he is usually in bed by 7.30pm) he is working again tomorrow, third Sunday in a row.
I am going to continue reading the Da Vinci Code and then go and get some beauty sleep for breakfast with everyone in the morning for Donna's Birthday Party.
Hopefully I will have some photos soon to post.
Love Always
Tanya xxxooo
I can't believe it !! It has just started to rain. Sounds so good! Love the sound of rain on a tin roof!