Wow poor Tristan has been sick for nearly a week now. Last Thursday he came home from daycare not quite right and started throwing up that night which then proceeded onto the other end along with all of that he had a sore throat and keep breaking out in this weird rash all over. I thought that by Sunday all was well and then he woke up in the middle of the night and......... again lower end. Thinking there couldn't possibly be anything left and considering he had been running around like a silly chook for the next two days I decided that he could go back to daycare on Today alas I got a call at lunch time to say that Tristan had thrown up. So off to school I go to get him. He greeted me with the biggest smile and non-stop talking the whole way home and on arrival he announces that
he is all better now can I go back to school please to play with my mates. Then he jumps out of the car and jumped on the trampoline for about 10 mins come inside had something to eat and then feel asleep in front of the T.V. Touch wood he seems to be fine tonight except I discovered that he also has headlice. First time he has ever had them so both of the boys got a buzz cut #1 all over which will have to be #0 tomorrow for Tristan because his head is full of eggs. Lucky Seth doesn't appear to have any neither does Michael but unfortunately I do so off to the chemist for me tomorrow (wish I could shave my head). I have been told that if you dye your hair that will get rid of them so maybe I will try that, due for a top up.

So excited I got second place in the Daisychain monthly page comp. I got to spend some money today, love it when that happens. Here is this months page themed winter. The writing says "I love that Tristan layed down and did the Angel all by himself without any prompting from me" August 2006.
Love Always
Tanya xxxooo
P.S. Update on the weight I have lost three kilos in three weeks not that I feel any different but I am getting there.
P.P.S. Our thoughts go out to Terry, Bindy and Bob Irwin. I had personally met them and they were lovely.