Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Baby Teeth

I thought I had a really good idea yesterday. I took down the baby swing that came with our Hills swing set, Seth is getting too big for it now, and put on the bar with the rings on the bottom cause he loves swinging off the rack that is on the back of Daddy's Rodeo (which he is not allowed to do cause it is too dangerous. LOL)........ WELL swing OFF he did..... straight into the ground, he smashed his mouth and pushed in two teeth. There was blood everywhere!! Michael was freaking out, he always stresses so much when one of the boys hurt themselves. Seth always seems to hurt his mouth. But once it stopped bleeding and the panadol had kicked in he was like nothing had happened and couldn't wait to get back out and play again. So funny how quick they bounce back. We visited the dentist this morning and he said they seem to be ok and should stabilise after a couple of days but might still go black. That will be a good look.

Some funny news......... I went into my little scrap shop at Palmwoods yesterday cause they had a big sale on. After looking at all of the stuff on the sale table I jokingly said to the other girls there that my hubby will be getting a bad feeling right about now cause of all of the money I was about to spend......... While I was standing at the counter waiting to pay Michael rang to see if everything was OK cause he had a really bad feeling. PMSL It was so hard not to laugh while I reassured him everything was ok and the boys were at school and daycare and I hadn't heard anything to say otherwise. The girls were totally blown away when I told them and it scared me a bit too.

hopefully the rest of the week will be uneventful so until further news

Love Always
Tanya xxxooo

1 comment:

Giovanna Scott said...

Oh Poor Michael (LOL)!! That IS the funniest story I've heard today. Thanks for the shivers up my spine.
Hope Seth's okay for another adventure soon!!
Thanks for your beautiful comment on my blog. Lots to tell you...I'd better email!!