Saturday, April 07, 2007

Blah blah blah

So funny my Tristan was telling my mum something the other day about me. After he had told her half of the story he said ........and blah blah blah. (This is what my hubby does to me all of the time when he thinks that I am harping on and wingeing to him.) It was so funny, me and Mum couldn't stop laughing.

Mum and Dad got back from thier trip safely amongst all of the Sunarmi warnings and cyclone warning and rough seas. They had an absolute ball, with heaps of stories and videos and photos it is going to take me a month to see them all. (Mum bought every little bit of memoribilia home with her so we can scrapbook it all yeah!... like I need an excuse)

My darling Seth has smashed his poor little teeth AGAIN..... but can you believe he managed to get the other two front teeth this time. He is so clumsy. And to top it off he is now sick with temperatures so at least he will be getting some relief from his teeth with all of the panadole I have to give him to keep his temperature down.

Fundraising crazy here at the moment. You don't realize how short a school term is until you have to squeeze as many fundraisers into it as you can without going over the top. In the last couple of weeks we have done the school disco and an Easter raffle and a BBQ at the park. All up we have done really well. Now only 3 more terms to go.

Well I am off to scrapbook for the first time this week.
Love Always
Tanya xxxooo

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