Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back to school

Tristan's first day back at school after the holidays and I got called up to pick him up early because he tripped over a chair while trying to jump it and landed on his head on the concrete. This photo doesn't do the massive lump any justice, it is very impressive!!! Poor baby he was so good about it and hasn't complained all afternoon. I think I will sleep with him tonight to make sure he is OK.
The rest of the photos are from our trip to the Remote-control plane show we went to on the week end. I am still amazed at how much control these guys have over the planes and how much money they spend (us scrappers have nothing to worry about compared to these guys) one of the planes cost $40 000!!!! Can you believe it?
My hair is starting to settle down, I am still not happy but another couple of weeks and it would have grown enough to go and get it done properly.
Only 17 more sleeps until my retreat. Very exciting!! :)

Love Always
Tanya xxxooo


Anonymous said...

Poor Tristan! That's a horrible bump!
I love that photo of you and the boys. Very cute.

Giovanna Scott said...

Poor Tristan. Hope he's okay now. Those photos are excellent.

Oh, and you've been tagged cutie!!