Friday, July 28, 2006

Ratty Kids

It is raining again, so much for a drought in Australia, it has rained so much here lately I am having trouble keeping the inside mould under control cause we cant open the house and air it out. The kids have already had two baths each today cause they keep going outside and playing in the mud and rain - which also means more washing for me to try and get dry. Wish we had a drought here for a while I don't care if my plants die (they always do anyway).

The kids wouldn't let me go and scrapbook by myself today even though Michael was home they still insisted on being attached to my side and Seth was just making a huge mess and then Tristan started fighting him for everything and reaching over to get everything from the back that he knows he is not allowed to touch so I gave up and thought I would have a go at digi scrapping again, I havn't done it for ages.

I took these photos the other night just stuffing around with Seth in the kitchen. I am so lucky that he loves to pose for Mummy. He was so funny he just kept laughing.

The house is quiet now I am going to go and try and scrap before Seth wakes up and Tristan gets sick of watching T.V. with Michael.

Love Always
Tanya xxxooo

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