Monday, October 09, 2006

Didn't make DT team

Well finally got the email to let me know who made it into the next round of the Scrapboxx Design Team and boohoo!! I didn't! So devestated but life goes on I just need to practice more. LOL

I have spent the last week painting and fixing up my DS #1 bed room I didn't realize what a big job I had set myself up for. Each wall took 3 or more coats of paint and then there is the set of draws and the shelves and the shadow box. So sick of painting but at least it is done now.

So one very big week end of painting, house work, mowing and gardening plus a visit to the annual Coolum Kite Festival and Sunday dinner at the inlaws with all of hubbys family and one very sleepless night with my darling son I am very buggered.

Morephotos to come next time
Love always
Tanya xxxooo

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