Thursday, October 05, 2006

Scrapboxx Comp

I have been sweating on waiting to hear if I made it into the next round of the Scrapboxx Design Team only to recieve an email today to say that the haven't recieved my layout yet possible because of the internet problems that they have been having. I started stressing that I had sent it to the wrong address or hadn't added the attachments or something like that so I went into my sent emails folder to check and there it was all sent correctly on the 26th of september. I sent it all off again hopefully all good this time. Here I have been wondering why are they taking so long, when all along they didn't even get my email, to think I could have missed out and wouldn't have even known that they didn't get my entry. The suspense back to waiting again.

I HATE Bunnings. Hahaha went it to grab a couple of things this morning and of course forgot the lawnmower blades to match them up, one of the main things I went there to get. The other was paint for Tristans room. The last tin of paint I used I got from the markets for $10 suede Effects paint thinking a 4 litre tin would be plenty but the walls are so old they just soaked the paint straight in. The suede effects paint from Dulux is $74 for a 4 litre tin I knew it was expensive but didn't think it was that much. But one of the other brands had the same thing heaps cheaper and the colour didn't matter cause I wanted to go darker anyway. So then after a little walk around I found heaps of other things I needed unfortunately for my poor credit card.

Still trying to master the Adobe photoshop had another go the other day.

Love Always
Tanya Reedy xxxooo

P.S. If there is actually anyone other than my Dad who reads this feel free to leave a comment and your blog address so I can check out your blog.

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