Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Still waiting

My poor darling Sister is still waiting for her baby and to make things worse our cousin who wasn't due until the first week of Feb was induced last night (due to pregnancy related diabeties).
Thursday will be the day if nothing happens naturally, at least the doctors have given her an induction date now so she can relax a little. I know it feels like a life time when you are waiting to hold that little bundle of love.

Photos SOON!!!

Well at least Scrapbook City has let us in on the secret now. The new competion has been announced. REALITY SCRAP will involve a little of everything by the sounds of it with twists and turns the whole way. Very exciting.
Plus I am starting a Circle Journal with some of the girls from Scrapbook City, I have never done one before but am very excited about doing it.

Love Always
Tanya xxxooo

1 comment:

Alicia Barry said...

The waiting is the worst. She'll have her baby soon enought though, then there will lots of new photos to scrap.